Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dirty Thirty!!!

When you're ten you can't wait to be thirteen. When you're thirteen you can't wait to be sixteen. When you're sixteen you are just dying to be eighteen, and when you finally turn eighteen there's nothing like the idea of being twenty-one. If you are twenty-one or younger I want you to close your eyes and pass the laptop or cellphone to someone a bit older. I urge you to do so as I would not like to be responsible for killing your dreams of adulthood. Did you hand it over? Now then...WHEN YOU'RE OLD THERE AREN'T ANY OTHER BIRTHDAYS TO LOOK FORWARD TO! Or are there? Sure...birthdays happen after the age of twenty-one but does anyone really care?

 If you are my age you have probably figured out that at this point of life, you will never again enjoy the feeling of  complete excitement over your birthday. After years of hoping for the dreamy idea of freedom that's supposed to come with becoming an adult, you eventually realize it may never really come. Oh, the freedom of adulthood. That's all we're all really wishing for on all of those birthdays before the big 21. We are simply wishing for another string of freedom to do what we please. However, no one ever tells you that the older you get the less flexible you become (in more ways than one might I add). So when you get my age you're just happy for the prospect of a few extra dollars and a stiff drink!

Well today proves good reason for anticipating a stiff drink or two! Today we celebrate another after 21 birthday. If you knew anything about my friends and I you would know that we live for our birthday parties! I mean we LIVE for them. Every single one. Even if it doesn't come with the false promise of additional freedom. Even if it means that we have to take two Imodium, three Advil, and still wake up with the worlds worst hangover after having two cocktails and a beer! We are the league of extraordinary late twenties-early thirty somethings. We manage businesses, raise children, attend classes, tend to spouses, pay mortgages and still manage to save enough energy to dance like idiots and drink our faces off. Well maybe we aren't as good at drinking our faces off as we used to be but you get the point. We like to party.

 With all of this being said, today is awesome because me and my party loving friends are joining together for my best friend Kathy's "dirty" thirtieth and boy did she throw together a celebration! With her husband's band Perception playing, a photo booth, custom cakes, and a slide show you would think she's turning 21 again! Check out the awesome DIY decor she did and the cakes that I made! 

Theme: A Few of  Kathy's Favorite Things. (In case you didn't notice it's leopard and gold....and chocolate...and bacon. Lol) 

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